Together, we can create the businesses, lives and world we dream of. I have just the strategic and creative insight and skillset to help you discover, distill and realise visionary goals.

My public sector and private sector professional experience, along with my academic experience, facilitates a rare plurality that pairs well with my project management, innovation, design and branding qualifications. These allow me to intimately understand and relate to multiple perspectives while leveraging the impact of systematised, small interventions to achieve big goals.

I founded Flourish by Design, a design strategy and innovation practice that harnesses the transformative power of design to nurture a thriving and sustainable world. We embrace collaboration and creative problem-solving to design innovative strategies, systems, experiences and solutions that go well beyond looking good to being good - meaning that we prioritise positive impact on the well-being of people, the planet, and long-term prosperity.

Visit Flourish by Design at

Training & Education

Design thinking facilitation | Workshops | Training sessions | Lectures



Design and innovation strategy | Strategic planning | Futures preparation  |  Brand strategy and distillation   |  Brand architecture  |  Integrated marketing communications policy and process manuals


Design & Digital

Experience design | Branded systems design | Digital Leadership  |  User experience design  |  Information architecture


Marketing Communications

Campaign development  | Editorial leadership  | Tone of voice development  |  Brand Nomenclature  |  Speech writing | Copywriting


View some of what I’ve done here.

“If one considers designers as those people with the skills to innovate, to solve problems, to bring creativity to a situation, with an element of visualisation ability, and with the ability to deliver a product, then wherever there is a need to do this, designers can turn their hand to it.”
— Mike Press and Rachel Cooper (Cooper & Press, 2003)